Site Remediation

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Understanding the risks and challenges facing businesses who are in the process of site remediation, Mark A. Esposito’s environmental team provides counsel specifically tailored to each client’s needs. With years of experience, we help clients transform a variety of properties into usable sites. We oversee a number of remediation sites, including several multi-million-dollar clean-up efforts at sites located throughout the U.S. Our lawyers are leaders in facilitating effective remediation of former industrial sites under both federal and state law, to address client’s risk management and development goals.


Our Services

• Advising on the selection of appropriate remedial actions.
• Negotiating with governmental agencies and other responsible parties.
• Implementing work plans, remedial measures, and reporting.
• Common counsel on multiple parties sites.
• Sourcing, recommending, and managing consultants and contractors.
• Advising on due care requirements and meeting continuing obligations, including options to address vapor intrusion risks and emerging chemical concerns.
• Coordinating communications with third parties, e.g., to acquire site access and pursue insurance claims.

Representative Case Matters


–Counsel to a major auto manufacturer in a significant multi-party PCB remediation project, including allocation process and related private and government cost recovery actions.


–Group counsel for multi-party CERCLA and state remediation and removal projects in Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan.


–Represented several manufacturing facilities navigating voluntary cleanup programs and pursing Brownfield development incentives.


–Representing an aerospace manufacturer in first-of-its-kind in situ remediation of legacy site contamination under a state voluntary cleanup program.


–Providing support to a manufacturer concerning state-mandated remediations in Arizona and California.


–Represented a major potentially responsible party in CERCLA contribution suits regarding $500 million and $100 million hazardous waste site cleanups.


–Negotiated federal comfort letter and state covenant not to sue agreement transferring federal RCRA corrective action site to state general cleanup program authority.


–Negotiated numerous remediation orders and decrees with U.S. EPA and state agencies, including voluntary RCRA corrective action order for a chemical manufacturer.

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