Franchise Dispute Resolution

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The Mark A. Esposito Franchise Law Team has extensive experience in assisting with a myriad of different disputes that can occur within the context of the franchisor-franchisee relationship. In some cases, we are retained simply to review franchise agreements and provide an informed legal opinion as to the rights and obligations of the parties and the various methods of dispute resolution. In most cases, we are retained to communicate and negotiate directly with the offending party.

In the franchise context, one of the most serious and complicated issues for the franchisor is whether there are sufficient grounds for termination of the franchise agreement and, if so, how to terminate the franchisee in a manner that is swift and cost-efficient while complying with all contractual and statutory obligations. We have extensive experience with assisting franchisors navigate through that situation. We also have extensive experience acting for franchisees seeking to avoid a threatened termination.

We work hard to try to find business solutions for our clients and have participated in many formal and informal mediations. However, when a business solution is not possible, franchisors should protect their brands and enforce their contractual rights by any legal means available. Our litigation team has extensive court experience and consists of strong advocates who would be privileged to advance your legal interests. We have successfully handled a wide variety of franchise disputes, including claims for wrongful terminations, breach of contract, tortious interference, fraud and misrepresentation, trademark infringement, breach of confidentiality and breach of non-competition agreements.

To learn more about major areas of our Franchise & Distribution practice, please select from among the following: 

Franchise & Distribution 

Starting a Franchise System 

Growing a Franchise System 

Cross-Border Franchising

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